“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” —Benjamin Franklin
“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” —Benjamin Franklin
When I was a child, going to Dayton’s was everything. Remember the Daisy and Anniversary sales? Legendary. We (Mom and four sisters) looked forward to those every year.
We’re pleased to greet 2021 with a fresh round of photos from our annual Focus on Maple Grove photo contest, which was held in August. To start off, Rod Smoliak’s Eagle Lake Great Horned Owl, placed second in our Wildlife and Nature category.
What started as a Facebook and Zoom-driven response to gym closures due to COVID-19 has turned into a new brick and mortar venue, Movement Studio in Plymouth, which opened late last year while adhering to pandemic restrictions.
Kira Vanderlan’s passion for design has been a constant throughout her life. Even before she started her organization and interior design business, Zestful Design, Vanderlan helped declutter and reorganize the homes of friends and family.
Land of 10,000 Lakes—well, we all know just how important those glistening bodies of water are to us in the Bold North, especially in the warmer months. For many of us, they serve as the welcoming center of our outdoor sporting lives.
The trap is easy to fall into—images of beautiful babies swaddled in bunting, birth mothers sporting post-birth figures that have immediately snapped back into pre-pregnancy place, mother and child in a blissful breastfeeding scene, fathers embracing skin
If it only took 20-30 minutes to create a memory that will last a lifetime, would you want it?
Recognized for its dedication and commitment to spreading joy throughout the Maple Grove Hospital, The Knitting Grandmas and Friends program received the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota annual Trailblazer Award.
It goes without saying that the best way to begin organizing is to first eliminate clutter, making the process much more manageable and even saving money on organizing supplies.
Help purify your home’s air with a wide variety of ferns that emit high contents of oxygen, creating cleaner air to breathe. Ferns also have qualities that will naturally mitigate your home’s exposure to toxins, and some studies show that ferns can even improve your sleep.